A Just Peace, Open and Affirming, and Greening Congregation of the United Church of Christ in Honolulu, committed to intentional diversity and peaceful action through aloha.
No matter who you are, or where you are on your faith journey, you are welcome here!

Church of the Crossroads Covenant
Updated by vote of the congregation - January 27, 2019
We strive as a community to share God’s love and embody God’s grace. We aspire to follow the teachings of Jesus as revealed in scripture and to discern the ways God continues to reveal wisdom and truth. We affirm the many pathways to the divine and seek to respect and live in harmony with persons of all faiths and spiritualities. We welcome all persons, including those who differ in age, gender, social and ethnic background, sexual orientation, gender identity, and physical or mental ability. As Hawaii’s first inter-ethnic church, we celebrate our tradition of intentional diversity by being an Open and Affirming* Congregation of the United Church of Christ. We are a Just Peace* church that actively works toward social, economic, and ecological justice in the care of God’s whole creation. We are all members of God’s family, and so we welcome with compassion those who are immigrants and strangers and who come to us fleeing poverty, famine, injustice, or violence. We honor the indigenous host culture of Hawaiʻi and their place in which we live. We are deeply committed to maintaining Aloha as a guiding force for our mission and ministry as we strive to “do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with our God” (Micah 6:8).
*The Open and Affirming Covenant and the Just Peace Church Covenant were both adopted by congregational vote on March 8, 1992

Established in 1923 by a diverse group of high school students, Church of the Crossroads was Hawaii’s first intentionally interracial congregation. On May 13, 2023 we celebrated 100 years of diversity and inclusion with a Centennial Anniversary Lūʻau. Our church depends on donations from members, visitors and friends alike—please help us spread the aloha for the next 100 years by donating today.
Click to watch the Crossroads virtual choir perform “Let There Be Peace.”